Transform Your Store with Headless WooCommerce and 88.75% Faster Page Speed
Revolutionize your WooCommerce experience with seamless integration, unparalleled performance, and enhanced user experience.
Blaze Commerce is how WooCommerce stores go headless with ease. Our open-source platform covers everything from seamless integration and blazing-fast performance to exceptional user experience and SEO optimization for thriving in today’s competitive market.
Introducing Blaze Commerce
Instant Everything!
Give your customers instant page loads, instant search results, and instant product filtering to get them to your products faster. more >>
World-class user experience is backed in, making transactions on your Woocommerce store effortless for your customers.
Built for
We’ve built hundreds of WooCommerce stores – Blaze Commerce is the fruit of that experience – the complete WooCommerce headless solution.
The Blaze Commerce Way:
Install the Blaze Commerce plugin, along with a few other plugins, on your WooCommerce store
Configure fonts, colors, logo, options and features to customise Blaze Commerce to your needs.
Deploy your new headless WooCommerce store and start experiencing increased conversions and AOV.
The Blaze Commerce Platform
Typesense is a powerful, open-source search engine that lets you quickly provide lightning-fast autocomplete and search results from your store’s data. It helps shoppers find the products they want faster, boosting conversion rates and increasing sales.
Next.js is the perfect headless architecture for ecommerce stores because it offers server-side rendering, incremental static regeneration, and optimized performance out of the box, improving SEO and page load speed. more >>
Vercel optimizes ecommerce performance by offering lightning-fast deployments, serverless functions, and global CDN. It ensures reduced load times, enhanced user experience, and increased sales conversions for online stores.