WooCommerce Integration

WordPress WooCommerce Integration with Accounting Software

Transform your WordPress website into a thorough-bred eCommerce store. Delivering enterprise-level quality and features whilst backed by a name you can trust. Say “hello” to the WooCommerce eCommerce plugin. WooCommerce is built by the experienced folk at WooThemes who also offer premium eCommerce themes and extensions to further enhance your shopfront.

Strength & Flexibility

WooCommerce is built using WordPress best practises both on the front and the back end. This results in an efficient, robust and intuitive plugin.

Smart Dashboard Widgets & Reporting

Keep a birds-eye view of incoming sales and reviews, stock levels and general store performance and statistics all from the WordPress dashboard or go to the reports section to view stats in more detail.


Your business is unique, your online store should be too. Choose one of our eCommerce themes or build your own and give it a personal touch using the built in shortcodes and widgets. WooCommerce works with any theme, including the default WordPress themes Twenty Ten, Twenty Eleven and Twenty Twelve. If you need help getting your theme working nicely with WooCommerce please read our theming docs to discover your options.


Whether you’re operating a superstore selling thousands of products, or a just a sole trader selling hand made arts and crafts WooCommerce has you covered.

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can help you Blaze Commerce?