Mobile apps transform a website into a user friendly design that gives people viewing it on a smartphone the ease of searching and navigating through your site.
Blaze Commerce can develop your business website into a mobile application so it is viewed to its full potential and provides cost-effective solution for businesses to establish pathways to new revenue and customer relationships in the mobile channel.
Responsive Web Design
The Internet isn’t just on your computer screen anymore. It’s also on your phone, your tablet, your laptop, and who knows what else in the next few years. So when you visit a modern webpage, its design should take our multiplatform world into account, and morph to ideally match the size and shape of the screen you’re viewing it on. This is called “responsive design,” and it’s becoming more and more common.
With this option, Blaze Commerce will design and build your site from the ground up to take into account a variety of viewing platforms to ensure quality user experience regardless of the how the site is being viewed.
The following are few excellent examples of sites developed with responsive design. When viewing them, change the width of your browser window to see how the page adapts to the way the site is being viewed: