WordPress Development & Support

We develop and support WordPress websites. When you work with us nothing gets left to chance.

We know what we’re good at. We develop and support websites built on WordPress. That’s what we do, and that’s all we do. We work hard to be the best at what we do, and we absolutely love doing it. At the core of everything we do is our Blaze Commerce Formula for Online Stores that Sell – It’s a formula we’ve developed over the years, and regularly review, update and refine to incorporate new knowledge and learning. Every service we provide to you, no matter how simple or trivial, in some way stems from this ‘Master Formula’. When you work with us nothing gets left to chance.

WordPress Integration

What are the competitive advantages of the most popular websites in the world? You could argue that it’s their huge marketing budgets, bulk purchasing power, and the very best talent on staff. While that may be true, integration with backend systems is also at the top of the list. Integrating your WordPress site with ERP, CRM, marketing apps and more, delivers massive efficiencies and cost savings, automation of tasks otherwise done by personnel, and creates upsell and resale opportunities, to name a few. Blaze Commerce has integrated with online and offline business apps to deliver our client’s significant benefits and savings to their marketing and business operations; we can do the same for you.

WordPress Design

Need a facelift for your homepage? Or a total site makeover? Maybe a few new banners? If so, great – we can take care of that! Our design team is mobile-led, meaning any design task they undertake starts with the mobile user in mind, as this is the fastest growing segment in terms of online traffic, and is also the most challenging. The design team spends a dedicated percentage of their time on following industry trends and best-practices, as well as emerging and cutting-edge design ideas. When you work with our design team you can be assured of getting fresh, modern, on-trend results. But if you already have a design team you prefer to work with that’s ok with us – we’ll gladly work with them too.

WordPress Development

Two-thirds of the team at Blaze Commerce are developers. We have front-end ‘devs’, back-end devs, QA devs and everything in between. We can customise existing themes and plugins to meet your needs, or we can build solutions from scratch, starting with functional specifications, technical specs, through to the deployment to ‘production’. We follow an Agile methodology which suits our business and our clients very well. We have decades of development experience across our team, which ensures rapid, high-quality development and we strongly believe that the simplest solution is the best solution. Complexity is our enemy.

WordPress Optimisation

Small changes can have a big impact. A .25% increase in conversions can translate into millions of extra dollars in leads and revenue. Countless points in a WordPress website can be optimised to increase revenue and profits – starting with the simple ‘page load’ speed of the site and moving onto landing page conversions, remarketing/retargeting and after sales marketing. Some optimisations work only for some WordPress websites, not all. Other optimisations can be counterintuitive. We use experience and data to support our optimisation recommendations and efforts for you, often leading to many small, and sometimes huge improvements across your WordPress website – that add up to the big improvements to your bottom line.

WordPress Maintenance

Ongoing maintenance of your WordPress website is often overlooked or left for ‘later’ when it’s too late. Vulnerabilities to WordPress and the ever-growing plugin ecosystem exposes your site to data and hacking breaches. You need backup and disaster recovery plans that are monitored and tested on a regular basis, combined with regular database and file optimisation. These tasks and procedures that are essential for healthy and ongoing operations of your online store. We schedule maintenance for all our clients and follow proven procedures to ensure any risks to your site and uptime are minimised, or mitigated completely.

WordPress Performance Hosting

Most Blaze Commerce clients host with us. Not because we put the hard sell on them – we’re happy to work with you regardless of where you host your site – but because our ‘Managed WordPress’ hosting has been optimised for WordPress – it’s Blazing Fast – A combination of page and memory caching, CDN leverage, high-performance web servers, SSL, SSD storage with our Sydney-based servers ensures low latency and instant page loads for our clients’ WordPress websites. Give us the opportunity and we’ll do the same for your WordPress site.

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New WordPress Site Builds

Occasionally our clients require a completely new site build. It could be the result of moving away from an obsolete, end-of-life or outdated website. Or you might have a new project that requires an additional site. Whatever the reason, we have many years of experience spanning hundreds of projects.In fact, we’ve built so many new websites we created a ‘blueprint’ that we follow with all new sites. This blueprint for new sites is based on our Blaze Commerce Formula for Online Stores that Sell . Following the blueprint as we work with you to spec out your WordPress website ensures nothing is left to chance, nothing is missed, and every aspect of the new site is given due consideration through every step of the project, from requirements, through to design and user experience, to site build, testing and go-live. You benefit from our deep experience and processes when you build a new WordPress website with us.

WordPress Support

The services listed on this page are not ranked in order of importance – it’s more of a ‘linear’ list of services based on how you might start working with us. If they were placed in order of importance, ‘Support’ would be at the top of the page. Support is often why new clients come to Blaze Commerce, and it’s the reason they stay. ‘Support’ covers every aspect of the day-to-day operation of your WordPress site, covering: ‘how-to’ questions, adding new features and options to your site, providing advice on the best way to achieve an outcome (even if the best way might have zero involvement by Blaze Commerce), deliver training and more. Our deep understanding of your WordPress sites and business means our level of support to you is beyond compare.