WordPress Support and Maintenance Services

Zero downtime WooCommerce updates and maintenance

With every skipped WordPress, WooCommerce or plugin update, the odds stack up against your ecommerce store. Eventually and without warning, your store will fail. You’re also leaving the door open to hackers who might sneak through your security gaps first.

You could periodically roll the dice with WordPress’ single-click update feature. It’s better than doing nothing, but the experts say the feature carries a 50/50 risk of errors. You might be lucky this month but no coin always comes up heads.

When you’re in the unlucky 50%, you could (but usually won’t) bring down your whole store. What’s almost certain, however, is that your customers will find the errors before you do.

So what’s the foolproof every-month answer?

You could download the Blaze Commerce guide. It will lay out for you the exact process we’ve refined over a decade. Following this process will ensure your site is updated with zero downtime. You can view the Zero Downtime guide here.

Or you could be 100% safe and still free to work on your business by leaving time-consuming WooCommerce, WordPress and plugin updates to the experts. Us.

Relax, we’ve got your WooCommerce store covered

All our WooCommerce update and maintenance packages include:

Zero downtime WordPress, WooCommerce, theme and plugin updates

You’ll never lose a sale as a result of an update or having an out-of-date site.

Secure offsite backups

Every kilobyte of your site is safely backed up and out of harm’s way.

24/7 security monitoring

So we’ll know immediately if your site is experiencing problems.

Staging Site

We’ll test everything on a fully separate install of your site before pushing any update live.


We’ll make sure your site isn’t just working, we’ll make sure it’s firing.


We’ll give you a detailed breakdown of everything we’ve done to ensure your site is fully operational.

In short, we take care of everything it takes to make sure you never lose a sale due to outdated versions or to software conflicts.

“Blaze Commerce have been integral to Pioneer taking its online presence to a new level, and we look forward to involving them in our online strategy meetings and integrating them further into our business.“

What’s the catch?

There isn’t one. We do have a couple of warnings, though.

It’s addictive

The simplicity of our service is addictive. Once you’ve experienced our zero downtime service, you’re not likely to want to go back to playing Russian roulette with WordPress’ automatic update feature.

You won’t beat the price

For some of our clients, the cost of their store collapsing for even half an hour would be unthinkable. But that doesn’t mean makes business sense for you to be the one spending six to eight hours every week or month updating plugin. Especially when you can hand over updates and maintenance to the experts for less than what a single hour of your time is worth.

We can deliver that level of service at that price because our Melbourne office is backed by a team of highly-trained WooCommerce experts in the Philippines. Working with us, you’re smartly leveraging the ideal combination of local and offshore expertise.