
Introducing linksync for WooCommerce & QuickBooks Online

You run a business. There’s always much to do in limited time. So you’re smart about how you spend that time, focusing on projects that will give you maximum return and ‘leveraging’ it so that you can work on more important tasks.

If you’re reading this, then I’m going to take a guess at a few facts.

  1. You’re using QuickBooks Online. As of February 23, 2017, this service has been subscribed to by 1.87 million people. You’re in good company there.
  2. You also have an online store powered by WooCommerce. As I write this, WooCommerce has a market share of 28% of all online stores – over 1.7 million sites, and growing. Another wise choice.
  3. You’re looking for options to link two of the most popular online apps and keep them in sync. Smart move.
  4. You want the solution to be flexible, reliable, and backed by a passionate customer service team that you won’t need to contact, but would like to know they’re there if you need them.

This week, we’re thrilled to announce the general availability of linksync for WooCommerce & QuickBooks Online integration.

The solution keeps product and order data in sync between your QuickBooks Online accounting app and WooCommerce online store.

And it works in real-time! You can change a product in one app, and see the update in the other app just moments later. For example, if you have orders created in Woo, the data will flow through your QuickBooks in seconds.

We began developing our solution for WooCommerce and QuickBooks Online around 12 months ago, and have recently completed beta testing with a healthy cross section of clients. The feedback has been positive, and we’ve recently been approved by Intuit, QuickBooks Online’s parent company, as an approved solution provider. Check us out at the QuickBooks App Center.

Before we founded linksync, we built online stores for other businesses. Many of them struggled with how to keep their sites in sync with their inventory and point of sale systems, so a few years back, we established linksync with two objectives: (1) create solutions that would keep the data of popular business apps in sync, and (2) make them affordable to all businesses.

Keeping data in sync between business apps isn’t rocket science, but it’s not simple either. Get it wrong and you can scramble the data. We go to great lengths to eliminate those risks.

We’re well into the digital revolution – where business apps live in the cloud. These apps should ‘talk’ to each other in a common language. Maybe one day they will, but for now, we have to work with different apps developed by different companies, with each of them having different ideas about how your data can be accessed and updated. Some make this process easy, but most fall short. linksync is your ‘interpreter’ and fills in the gaps, making the syncing of your data seamless.

What’s more – every business is different, and the types of data they want to keep in sync changes from one business to another. Therefore, any solution must also be flexible and tailorable according to the specific business processes and requirements. Some businesses only want to sync prices between products in both apps. Others only want to sync certain products and not others, whereas other businesses want to keep all product info in sync, including images, descriptions, and the like. linksync for WooCommerce and QuickBooks Online is flexible enough to handle all of these requirements and more.

Flexibility is one thing. Making the installation and configuration simple is an area we’ve spent many late nights working on. You can be up and running with our solution in minutes. Install our plugin for WordPress/WooCommerce – step through the config wizard to choose how and what to sync – and you’re done. From there on, linksync works discreetly in the background to keep your data synced.

Features and capabilities aside, we back our solutions with great customer service, should you ever need it. The development team at linksync is constantly working on our solutions so that they work perfectly in the background. Their aim is for all of our solutions to ‘just work’, for our customers to set up linksync, and never think of us again. That’s their Nirvana.

You might wonder how our marketing folks feel about that. Their objective is to expand our brand and customer base by having our clients be our greatest advocates. That’s a real challenge when you’re NOT thinking about us! It’s ok, don’t fret about them – we have an endless supply of Kool–Aid that keeps them committed and dedicated to the unattainable goal. Drink up!

So don’t use linksync for WooCommerce and QuickBooks Online if you want to continue wasting your precious time and money on tasks that could and should be automated. Forget about us if you’re happy to pay someone to keep your business app data up–to–date, or even better, if you love doing it yourself. Don’t even consider our 14–day free trial if you thrive on data entry typos and human error, or selling product you no longer have in stock.

If, like me, you don’t want to deal with recurring, time–wasting tasks and issues that could be solved with a simple yet extremely effective solution for keeping QuickBooks Online and WooCommerce in sync, then we’d love to help you. Try us out for free – no credit card required.