
Headless WooCommerce SEO Strategy for Blaze Commerce: Enhancing Your Store’s Visibility and Performance

Venturing into the realm of optimizing Headless WooCommerce SEO may feel like navigating uncharted waters, but it’s a journey that can significantly enhance your online store’s visibility and performance. With its headless architecture, Blaze Commerce is at the forefront of this transformation. By reading on, you’ll discover how website speed and Core Web Vitals are … Read more

Are you ready to make the switch to WooCommerce? We explain how to migrate from Shopify to WooCommerce in this step-by-step guide.

migrate from shopify to woocommerce

WooCommerce is the most popular e-commerce platform, powering 28.19% of all online stores. Built on WordPress, WooCommerce offers unrivalled customization. The plugin allows you to build and promote the website of your dreams. Yet many first-time store owners choose Shopify as their go-to e-commerce system. With its attractive interface and simple setup, Shopify looks like the … Read more

How Aqua Safe Future-Proofed their Online Store by Moving from Magento to WooCommerce

Is migration the right decision for you? Find out how one store moved platforms with incredible results. You can’t predict store growth, but as a business owner, you always hope for the best. When it does happen, though, many owners are not prepared to deal with it. That’s why many growing eCommerce stores are moving … Read more

Hello, Blaze Commerce

Two become new: Faststores and linksync are now Blaze Commerce. Like most rebrandings, it usually means far more to the company rebranding than to its customers and partners, and I’m sure this is no exception, but for the two people who read this article (Hi Mum), here’s why. When we started out back in 2009 … Read more

5 Reasons Why You Need to Connect QuickBooks Online and Magento


Are you using QuickBooks Online accounting system for your Magento store? Then you must have, at some point, struggled with the task of manually entering the data from your online store to your accounting system to prepare your books of accounts. While there’s nothing wrong with having two standalone systems, working on their own. You can … Read more

Best WooCommerce Plugins to Boost Your Sales

Boost Your Sales with the Best WooCommerce Plugins Are you looking to increase your conversions and boost your sales? Check out the best WooCommerce plugins to boost your shop’s revenues. For an online retailer, the only thing sadder than an empty cart is a customer who never saw your products at all. Even if you … Read more

Too Busy? Here are Simple Ways to be Productive

‘A good system shortens the road to the goal’ – Orison Swett Marden Imagine you are in your basement, working on a project and building your online store. You are so excited about it. You dreamed that one day, you’d be one of those privileged people enjoying themselves in the Bahamas and sipping margaritas. So, … Read more

linksync QuickBooks Online and Magento Integration Now Available in Apps.com

Woohoo!!! We’re celebrating right now because linksync QuickBooks Online and Magento Integration is now available in apps.com for US, Australia, UK, and Canada. We launched linksync QuickBooks Online and Magento Integration three months ago, even though we already knew by then that we were up against other big companies that offered similar integrations in the … Read more