
What’s Twitter and how can it help you market your business?

Unless you’ve been living under a log for the past six months or so (nothing really wrong with living under a log aside from the obvious I might add) you will have no doubt heard of twitter and tweets.

So what is Twitter? A: Twitter is a free social networking and micro-blogging service that enables its users to send and read messages known as tweets. Tweets are text-based posts of up to 140 characters displayed on the author’s profile page and delivered to the author’s subscribers who are known as followers. Senders can restrict delivery to those in their circle of friends or, by default, allow open access. Users can send and receive tweets via the Twitter website, Short Message Service (SMS) or external applications.

So what can it do for you and your business? There are a number of ways you might consider using Twitter to build your business – some might work for you – some not. You be the judge, but the article here about 50 Ideas on Using Twitter for Business might give you something to twink about.

Happy tweeting.