This quick update covers a few new features we’ve added to linksync eParcel for Magento over recent weeks.
The first feature we’ll cover is the new bulk creation of consignments.
If your business ships the same types of parcels and articles for orders, you might find our consignment creation action a big time saver.
On the eParcel Consignment view, simple mark the orders you want to create consignments for in bulk, select an article preset if need be, and submit. Now linksync eParcel works through creating a consignment for each order in a matter of seconds.
Then we can do the same for labels. Again, selecting the orders, choose the create labels action, and submit. Now we have all our labels ready for printing.
The next feature enables you to change the shipping method per order.
Have every wanted to change an orders shipping method? maybe this is a first order for a new customer and you want to wow them with your service.
We can do that easily on the Change Shipping Option tab on the order view.
Just select the shipping option you want to change to, save, and we can now get on with creating a consignment for this order.
And the last feature is the ability to set specific eParcel charge codes for different shipping types. Previously you could only assign eParcel Standard Shipping OR Express shipping to your existing shipping methods.
In this new release, you can assign different shipping types to each of your shipping methods, including for M2E Pro, so now linksync eParcel will assign the appropriate charge code to each order as a consignment is created.
Click here for more information and a full demonstration of linksync eParcel for Magento.