
Mastering Ecommerce UX in 2024: The Ultimate Guide to User Experience & Conversion Rates

We all know that running an online store can be challenging, especially when trying to stand out from the competition. One crucial factor that can set you apart is the quality of your site’s user experience (UX). Let’s explore how enhancing your UX can help you increase conversion rates, sales, and overall customer satisfaction. Recent … Read more

Why Product Reviews Are Your Hidden Ecommerce Superpower

What do Apple, Tesla, Airbnb, and Weight Watchers all share? These industry disruptors faced a sea of scepticism when they first launched. Yet, they didn’t just sail through the choppy waters of doubt; they transformed them into oceans of opportunity, much like Blaze Commerce aims to do for your WooCommerce setup. How? By leveraging the … Read more

The Fastest WooCommerce Store in the World?

You know this already – speed kills, especially when it comes to WooCommerce page speed. Slow website speed can be the Achilles’ heel of online stores, impacting conversion rates and frustrating potential customers. Deloitte’s recent study, Milliseconds make Millions, found that even a 0.1-second improvement in site speed can lead to a nearly 10% increase … Read more

Perfecting Product Discovery: The Power of Product List & Filtering in UX Design

The Power of Product List & Filtering in UX Design

Imagine a bustling ecommerce marketplace, teeming with customers. Their faces reflect a perfect mix of anticipation and satisfaction. Every one of them is effortlessly navigating through various product categories, filtering items based on their personal preferences, and swiftly finding what they’re looking for. This is an online marketplace optimized with efficient User Experience (UX) techniques. … Read more

Revamping Checkout Usability: Boost Your E-commerce Store’s Conversion Rates

Picture the marketplace of your dreams: customers enthusiastically filling their carts, each click echoing their anticipation of owning new, unique treasures. Yet, when they reach the checkout, the process becomes a labyrinth of confusion, leading to abandoned carts and a shift of loyal customers to your competitors. This is the common reality of e-commerce usability. … Read more

Unlocking E-commerce Success: A Deep Dive into Product Page UX

Welcome to another entry in our series about ecommerce usability and boosting the performance of your WooCommerce online store. Improving your online store UX can be a monumental strategic advantage, an investment that yields tremendous dividends in all times, good or bad. We’ve also explored how themes such as On-site Search, Homepage & Navigation, and … Read more

4 Research-Backed Tips for Crafting High-Converting Product Descriptions

What makes a great product description? When customers visit your online store and land on a product page, they’re trying to determine if it’s the right fit for them. The information in your product description plays a crucial role in their decision-making process. But how do you know if you’re providing the information they need to … Read more

How Trucker’s Toy Store Boosted Revenue by 242% in ONE Month (And Four Tips to Help Boost Your Conversion, Too)

Are you focusing on mobile site quality and conversion? If not, you need to. Here’s an example of one of our clients who boosted their conversion rate, plus tips to help you to do the same. Mobile may just be the most important aspect of your WooCommerce site today. The stats bear this out. In … Read more