
linksync eParcel for Magento update – support for EE and Order/Product Weight

This quick update covers a few new features we’ve added to linksync eParcel for Magento over recent weeks.

eParcel for Magento now supports Magento Enterprise Edition, and we now have clients on EE actively using linksync to manage their eParcel shipments, so if you’re using EE and eParcel, now’s the time to get on board leading up to the busy season.

Most new users of our solution reduce the time spent on processing orders by around 75%. One of our clients had two staff working full time every day processing their orders, and now they have one person processing the same volume of orders in half a day. They’re saving 12 hours a day in processing time using linksync eParcel.

And our latest release has some new features that will save our clients even more time.

One new feature is the ability to use the weight from the products on the order to set the article weight. With this feature enabled you no longer need to enter the weight of the package manually, it’s done for you automatically,

You can even select the appropriate package size from your article presets based on the order weight, so if for example you used a satchel for orders under a certain weight, and you used different boxes for larger orders, the appropriate package option would be preselected automatically, which you can override if needed.

And if you’re on a cubed rate contract with Australia Post, where package dimensions aren’t required on your manifests, you have the option now to simply use weight when creating a consignment.

If required, you can set a packaging allowance, so say you wanted to add 5% to the weight of an order to cover packaging, you can add a fixed value or percentage to the order weight via the config settings.