
How Much Is a Bad Ecommerce UX Costing You? A Case Study

Good UX is extremely important, but just how much can bad e-commerce UX cost you in sales? We look at one case study to figure out the details.

Research shows that well-designed sites can see more than 200% higher visit-to-order conversion rates than poorly designed ones. Moreover, visit-to-lead conversion rates can rise by 400% on sites with superior UX.

The takeaway? Bad user experience (UX) could cost you dearly in conversions, turnover, and revenue.

This begs the question, how much are UX issues costing you in hard dollar amounts? If your site doesn’t have good e-commerce UX, the cost of this could be far higher than you realize.

If you want to maximize your marketing budget and boost your sales as an e-commerce site owner, you must take a good look at how sub-par UX might be leaching away at your profits.

In this case study, we look at one example where revenue grew by over 142% after UX optimization.

Does more than doubling your revenue sound attractive? If so, keep reading to find out how you can replicate these results for your own e-commerce site.

Why E-Commerce UX Is Important

As mentioned above, if your e-commerce site doesn’t have good UX, the price you pay could be crippling. This is because good UX is integral to optimizing your conversion rate and driving revenue.

Most e-commerce sites spend much of their budget on driving traffic to their online stores. However, if these visitors are faced with friction and stumbling blocks while trying to shop at your e-commerce store, they will likely leave, and your marketing efforts will be for naught.

Statistics show that 88% of online shoppers are unlikely to return to a site if they have a bad user experience. Additionally, 57% of consumers won’t recommend a business if it doesn’t have a mobile-friendly website.

These statistics are just the tip of the iceberg regarding poor UX. Good UX on the other hand can drive results and win you repeat customers.

A streamlined UX guides visitors seamlessly through their buyer journey, making it effortless for them to find what they need, reach a buying decision, and complete the checkout process. If you don’t create an optimized UX, you’ll be left with abandoned carts and a shaky conversion rate.

The Jewellery Designer Case Study

To get an idea of how much bad e-commerce UX can cost a business, let’s take a look at our case study.

At Blaze Commerce, we recently conducted a UX redesign for a successful jewellery e-commerce company. At first glance, their site was attractive and well-designed, but once we looked under the hood, there were some critical UX issues to rectify.

Our primary focus was on optimizing thoroughly for mobile users while also ensuring great UX for desktop and tablet.

Besides this, we also collaborated on the design with the owner to ensure that we captured their brand’s emotiveness, which extended beyond the act of purchasing jewellery.

Once we applied the new designs to their Woocommerce online store, we immediately saw impactful results. After a test period, their e-commerce conversion rate increased by 132.93% and their revenue by 142.16%.

By focusing purely on UX, we more than doubled the number of transactions with the same traffic. What’s more, those customers purchased more per order.

How Much UX Issues Could Be Costing Your E-Commerce Business

Besides proving the importance of good UX, the Murkani case study also yields something else. It guides us on how much UX issues could cost your business.

If you want to gauge what bad e-commerce UX could cost your site, you can plug the above numbers into your own business to act as a rough guide.

Using the above conversion rate and revenue improvements, let’s say your online store currently generates 200 orders and 50k in monthly sales. After the UX redesign, these numbers ramped up to 464 orders and 121k in sales.

This means you could miss out on 264 additional orders and 71k in extra sales every month.

Are you missing out on this kind of revenue growth?

How to Know When You Need a UX Redesign

Double-digit percentage increases are exciting to consider regarding your business’s sales number. But how do you know if your site will benefit from a UX overhaul?

Perhaps you had your site professionally built and were assured that it is a top-notch e-commerce store. Maybe you invested a lot of money into your site and are hesitant to sink more without knowing that it will drive results.

The best way to know whether or not your site needs some work done is to have its UX audited and tested. No matter how much you spent on setting it up, if a visitor can’t complete their purchase path with ease, you need to address your UX.

Fortunately, the cost of optimizing your UX has a great ROI attached to it. On the other hand, if your site sends visitors running for the hills and you fail to improve your UX, the price you’ll pay in lost sales could be monumental.

Don’t Let Bad E-Commerce UX Cost Your Business Valuable Revenue

As you can see from this case study, bad e-commerce UX can cost you dearly in sales numbers. It can also kill your conversion rate, and chase visitors away from your site for good.

Now that you know how much UX issues might be costing your business, the next step is to find out if and where your UX falls short. See Mastering Ecommerce UX in 2024: The Ultimate Guide to User Experience for a comprehensive guide to ecom UX.

Here at Blaze Commerce, we are passionate about helping you optimize your UX and see those sales figures rise. To determine whether your site needs optimization, contact us today for a free UX review. We will evaluate your site entirely ‘on the house’ and let you know what needs fixing.