Campbell Angus

Capturing High Quality Product Photos With Your SmartPhone

Before you spend money to rent a DSLR camera and a lens for your product photography, consider using the quality camera that you carry around with you all the time: your smartphone. You may be thinking that using your smartphone for product photography sounds a bit crazy, but with today’s advances in technology, it’s absolutely … Read more

Video Is Now A Must-Have Feature For Competitive SEO

If you’re attempting to improve search rankings for your web pages, these days it’s no longer an option not to optimize digital assets. With search engines incorporating video, images and news into standard search results, marketers have the opportunity to achieve increased visibility by implementing basic video SEO principles. These 5 basic tips for video … Read more

The Need for a Professional Web Design Service

A professional web design is the current need with businesses if they really want to create a good image through their online presence. Quality comes first when it comes to a professional design. A good-quality web design will help a business grow fast by being an exceptional promoting and marketing tool and keep it ahead … Read more

Writing an effective About Us page

So someone has made their way to your website. Great! They may have heard about you through someone else, saw your advertising somewhere, or simply found you through a search engine. Regardless of how they found you, you have one chance to make a good impression, and although the “About Us” page may not be … Read more

Do your FAQs give a visitor a reason to do business with you, or go elsewhere?

A guide to writing effective Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) for your website When considering a list of frequently asked question for your website, you should approach it with two factors in mind: Be informative and answer common questions Reduce the visitor’s resistance toward doing business with you Everyone understands the first point – the purpose … Read more

Does Your Business Need a Website?

Even today many small businesses still don’t have a website. Most small business owners don’t see the need for a websites as their customers are local, and they already know them, and they don’t appreciate what a website can really do for their business. It maybe true that some businesses can, and will thrive without … Read more

Is Yellow Pages Dead?

Possibly not, but it is certainly gasping for breath and flapping around like a fish out of water. Despite an increase in Yellow Pages revenue for Sensis, Yellow Pages books have seen a downward trend for quite some time. In the ‘old days’, Yellow Pages was the leading advertising resource for small to medium enterprises, … Read more

What’s Twitter and how can it help you market your business?

Unless you’ve been living under a log for the past six months or so (nothing really wrong with living under a log aside from the obvious I might add) you will have no doubt heard of twitter and tweets. So what is Twitter? A: Twitter is a free social networking and micro-blogging service that enables its … Read more