ecommerce UX

4 Research-Backed Tips for Crafting High-Converting Product Descriptions

What makes a great product description? When customers visit your online store and land on a product page, they’re trying to determine if it’s the right fit for them. The information in your product description plays a crucial role in their decision-making process. But how do you know if you’re providing the information they need to … Read more

The Top 9 UX Mistakes Online Stores Make with Onsite Search (and how to fix them)

The following video covers the top 9 onsite search violations that we regularly see on ecommerce stores. After reviewing hundreds of ecommerce sites, we found onsite search to be the most powerful tool you can offer your customers in terms of product discovery. There are 50 research-backed guidelines alone on how to do onsite search … Read more

How Much Is a Bad Ecommerce UX Costing You? A Case Study

Good UX is extremely important, but just how much can bad e-commerce UX cost you in sales? We look at one case study to figure out the details. Research shows that well-designed sites can see more than 200% higher visit-to-order conversion rates than poorly designed ones. Moreover, visit-to-lead conversion rates can rise by 400% on sites with superior UX. The takeaway? … Read more

The Top 18 Usability Issues that Cost Online Stores Sales

eCommerce store owners know that user experience is everything. But a bad experience can drive customers away. Learn about the different areas that can affect your online store UX. Customers who buy from eCommerce websites want a pleasant experience. But aesthetics aren’t the only thing your customers look for. They want a good user experience … Read more

How Aqua Safe Future-Proofed their Online Store by Moving from Magento to WooCommerce

Is migration the right decision for you? Find out how one store moved platforms with incredible results. You can’t predict store growth, but as a business owner, you always hope for the best. When it does happen, though, many owners are not prepared to deal with it. That’s why many growing eCommerce stores are moving … Read more

7 Mistakes People Make When Moving to a New Ecommerce Platform

Setting up shop on a different platform? Discover some of the biggest mistakes that you should avoid. There are many reasons for switching ecommerce platforms. You might find a platform that offers a better UX, more design capabilities, or a host of new features you could use to grow your business. But moving to a … Read more

How Blaze Commerce Helped AdMerch Boost Its Conversion Rate by 87.8% (Plus Seven Tips for Improving the Mobile Experience You Provide)

AdMerch Boost Its ecommerce Conversion Rate by 87.8%

If you’re not thinking about the user experience (UX) that your website offers, you do a disservice to your customers and leave money on the table. Discover how AdMerch resolved their UX issues and what you can do to emulate them. Web design has come a long way since the dawn of the internet. If … Read more