
The Top 18 Usability Issues that Cost Online Stores Sales

eCommerce store owners know that user experience is everything. But a bad experience can drive customers away. Learn about the different areas that can affect your online store UX. Customers who buy from eCommerce websites want a pleasant experience. But aesthetics aren’t the only thing your customers look for. They want a good user experience … Read more

7 Mistakes People Make When Moving to a New Ecommerce Platform

Setting up shop on a different platform? Discover some of the biggest mistakes that you should avoid. There are many reasons for switching ecommerce platforms. You might find a platform that offers a better UX, more design capabilities, or a host of new features you could use to grow your business. But moving to a … Read more

Four Reasons You Need to Move to a New eCommerce Platform

Is your eCommerce platform holding you back? Switching to WooCommerce hosting may be the answer to your woes. With so many choices available, finding the right ecommerce platform is tough. It doesn’t help that the decision must be made early in a business venture. With all the paperwork, finances, and planning, there’s very little time to do … Read more

How Cranbourne Music Almost Halved Site Loading Speed (And Four Tips to Help You Speed Up Your WooCommerce Site)

How long does your website take to load? It’s an important question because a slow website costs you conversions. Here, we look at a client who struggled with a slow site and some things that you can do to improve yours. People won’t sit around and wait for your website to load anymore. In the … Read more

Zero Downtime: The Foolproof Way to Update Your WooCommerce Store

Our team of WooCommerce specialists has taken 10 years to perfect a foolproof system for updating a WooCommerce site. What do we mean by “foolproof”? We mean that if you follow these step-by-step instructions, you can update your store with zero risk of downtime and lost sales. In Greek mythology, the Sirens lured sailors to … Read more

How Blaze Commerce Helped AdMerch Boost Its Conversion Rate by 87.8% (Plus Seven Tips for Improving the Mobile Experience You Provide)

AdMerch Boost Its ecommerce Conversion Rate by 87.8%

If you’re not thinking about the user experience (UX) that your website offers, you do a disservice to your customers and leave money on the table. Discover how AdMerch resolved their UX issues and what you can do to emulate them. Web design has come a long way since the dawn of the internet. If … Read more

eParcel for Magento is Officially Launched

eParcel for magento

Introducing eParcel for Magento! Now you can manage your eParcel shipping right from within your Magento store, saving you enormous amounts of time, and money, in the process. Forget exporting and importing of files. Say adios to using the eParcel Portal or shipping apps. With two mouse clicks on your Magento order screen you can create … Read more

linksync eParcel for Magento update – bulk consignments, M2E Pro

eparcel for magento bulk consignments This quick update covers a few new features we’ve added to linksync eParcel for Magento over recent weeks. The first feature we’ll cover is the new bulk creation of consignments. If your business ships the same types of parcels and articles for orders, you might find our consignment creation action a big time saver. … Read more